Tree Secret® tree fertilizer formerly known as Save-A-Tree is a biologically correct (non-synthetic) fertilizer that has been created specifically for enhanced tree success. Our small batch, extra potent blend of readily available tree nutrients are exactly what your trees, plants, and bushes need to revitalize and look great for years to come. The competition doesn't come close!
Save 10% on cases of 6 or more jugs
Buy 64 ounce Tree Secret® Today! Freight Paid To All US States.
Forty years of experimentation lead to the product we now call Tree Secret®; this one of a kind tree fertilizer is a fermented blend of over 60 pure ingredients that create a special nutrient cluster which allow the tree to more easily absorb the vital nutrients needed to be high quality, strong, and problem free.....applying Tree Secret® is very similar to the process we see in nature when a tree feeds on the nutrients from composted leaves found on the forest floor.
When you apply Tree Secret® vitamins for trees you are doing much more than tree fertilizing; you are feeding it all the nutrition that the tree needs to be happy from the roots on up. Tests by microbiologists at Boise State University showed that 24 hours after tree fertilizing with Dr. JimZ®, there was an increase of 70 percent in beneficial bacteria in the soil. After a week, there was a 400 percent increase. This organic matter in the soil sets the stage for solid trees with beautiful color that yield increased amounts of delicious fruit.
We call our nutrients Biologically Correct because they are designed to stimulate microbial life in the soil and supply nutrients at a biological level. When your trees recieve nutrients at a biological level everything improves!
Traditional nutrients for trees are aimed at quick growth. “You can force-feed a plant by applying high doses of water-soluble fertilizer, and get a 10-foot tall rose bush. But the quality of the roses may not be what you want. Plants like roses may become more susceptible to aphids, because rapid growth means thin cell walls, and it is easier for the aphids to attack. Today's organic gardeners understand this.” - Jos Zamzow
The solution to weak trees and over-fertilized bushes is to feed them with the proper nutrient clusters they need to heal themselves and strengthen their immune system (yes, trees and bushes have immune systems too). So, if your trees and bushes look like they could use a little help, or if you just want to make your beautiful yard even more stunning.... there is nothing better than Tree Secret® nutrients for trees. This is mother natures premium cocktail for extraordinary results!
The story of Tree Secret® began more than 20 years ago when Boise nursery owner Jim Zamzow, whose friends affectionately dubbed him “Dr. Jim” because of his constant experimentation, started giving customers at his Idaho nursery a brown liquid organic fertilizer in used two-liter soda bottles.
Tree Secret was so successful, especially for growing fruit trees and improving soil in the vegetable garden, that customers soon had to bring their own bottles if they wanted more of the nutrient rich super fertilizer. By mid-summer the 55-gallon drum that contained the experimental batch of vitamins for trees was empty.
Last year customers bought more than 90,000 gallons of Tree Secret®... .and we have now officially sold over 1 million units. We feel good that we have been able to help so many people with tree nutrients over the years. It is our goal to help make the world a better place by providing the best possible alternative to chemical fertilizer.
Use in your yard for stronger trees, robust bushes, and beautiful perennials! Use in your garden for big, delicious fruits and vegetables!
Instantly transform from Hobby Gardener To Master Gardener, Feed Your Trees and be the Envy of the Neighborhood!
Buy Tree Secret® Tree Fertilizer Today!
"The internet is full of miracle tree tonics and liquid fertilizers that promise to promote rapid growth, root system expansion, and improve tree health. Dr. JimZ’s Tree Secret actually does this.I initially bought it as a last-ditch effort to save a Japanese Cedar that suffered from a great deal of browning anddying foliage over the winter.I was nervous about using fertilizer to promote rapid growth on a weakened tree. I was impressed with the idea of an undiluted, biologically correct, organic tree fertilizer that focused on providing nutrients for long-lasting tree health.After a few weeks, I was so impressed with the results that I bought two more gallons.I’ve so far used it on six trees with great results, but none so dramatic as the initial Japanese Cedar. I've already bought sevenmore gallons for fertilizationthisfall and make this a regular part of my tree maintenance for struggling tree or those where I’m seeking to promote long-term growth beyond what I feel traditional fertilizers can provide.Tip: I’ve found out through as support email that using Tree Secret once a year is good to promote growth, while doing so twice a year (in Spring and Fall) is ideal to save a weakened tree." - Alexander A.
"I got these trees green giant arborvities put in back in 2018. I started using the Tree Secret fall of 2019. By spring of 2020 I could see the results. The last picture is spring of 2022 after using the Tree Secret every early fall. By spring time every year I see remarkable growth. My trees are a barrier because there's a house right behind me. When I go into the yard now the neighbors behind me can't see me. The landscaper recently put in trees on the side of my yard. They are quite small. He said whatever you did for those trees in the back, do for these!" -Troy T.
The majority of well-known fertilizer companies use chemical based ingredients (nitrogen) that tends to “burn out” the soil; depleting it of important nutrients needed to grow happy, problem free plants, trees, and lawns.
Our products are biologically correct and made with ingredients that will enrich your soil with the necessary carbon and trace minerals needed for optimum growth, overall plant success, color, and exceptional taste.
With Dr. JimZ® you can expect to yield more fruits and vegetables that have less problems, a longer shelf life, and taste the way mother earth intended. Our products are perfect for gardeners, farmer, & growers. Full Money Back Guarantee.