Dr. JimZ Seedling Grow™ is a unique, nutrient-rich, fermented foliar spray that has been a family favorite for decades. Perfectly balanced for exceptional seedling growth, this bioavailable super spray will prepare your seedlings for successful transplanting and set the stage for enhanced results all season long.
This specialty seedling fertilizer can be used weekly as needed throughout the seedling stage. Seedling Grow™ is easily absorbed through the leaf so your seedlings can benefit from the nutrition right away... It's very satisfying to watch young plants perk up & thrive!
Buy 12oz Seedling Grow™ Today! Free Shipping!
As a helicopter pilot and student of animal nutrition, I fly the desert mountains of the west observing the migration of wild horses and what they eat. Horses graze on certain plants in one area, then move many miles to another area. When the soil and plants of the areas are analyzed it is obvious that horses are naturally attracted to some areas to satisfy certain mineral and protein cravings.
On one memorable day I observed a fresh water spring in the bottom of a basin. There were animal tracks from every direction leading to the spring. From the air it looked like a giant wheel with spokes. I just assumed the trails were all leading to the spring for water but noticed that other springs in the area did not have this trail pattern. I landed on a nearby plateau and walked down to the spring and noticed the animals were eating the dirt around the spring. There were many signs of desert animals eating this mineral: horses, cattle, deer, elk, rabbits, antelope, mice, even coyotes.
When analyzed, the sample contained measurable levels of 72 minerals! And, most interesting to me was the sample contained high levels of organic acids like humic, fulvic, and amino — all byproducts of biodegraded plant life. After millions of years of plants growing and dying near the spring, a natural occurring chelated mineral complex had been formed. Most of these same minerals are available in the surrounding area but have not been repeatedly digested and deposited.
I began doing feeding trials and had good results adding the mineral to animal feeds of all kinds. Next, we applied the mineral as a seed treatment and soil supplement for garden and agricultural plants. The results were good. Currently this product is an ingredient in many of our feed and fertilizer products and we have decided to add it to our line of biologically correct products.
We make no claims for this product. The mineral levels are lower than agricultural laws permit for labeling. Feeding levels for animals has yet to be determined.
The following levels have been used with good results:
• Small dogs - 1 teaspoon per day
• Large dogs - 1 tablespoon per day
• Goats - 1 to 2 tablespoons per day
• Horses - 1-4 tablespoons per day
• Camalids (Alpaca, Llama, etc.) 1 to 2 tablespoons per day
For gardening: soak seeds and drain, then coat seeds lightly before planting
For planting: dust the planting row lightly
For pots: 1 teaspoon per 6” of pot diameter
For garden plants and containers: 1 teaspoon in the planting hole
NOTE: It is not necessary to use this product if you are already using 3,2,1 Grow Tabs®, Chicken Soup for the Soil® or Tomato Secret®.
Animals will accept or reject this product based on their individual needs. If you are not satisfied with this product we will refund 100% of your money, no questions asked.