Chicken Soup for the Soil® has everything you need to make the best compost tea on earth. No need to add molasses, minerals, seaweed, sea solids, humic or fulvic acids, ground rock powder or anything else. This is the ultimate nutrient booster for your soil and plants!
Step 1. Get a 5 gallon bucket and add 1 part Chicken Soup For The Soil to 9 parts water ( 1/2 gallon Chicken Soup & 4.5 gallons water).
Step 2. Add your choice of microbes (a handful of good quality soil, or pure earthworm castings).
Step 3. Stir what is in your bucket and place in a warm room or outside if it is summer. The main thing is to keep it warm.
Step 4. Stir often, at least daily....more frequently is better. Alternatively, just add 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide and you will be good to go.
Fermenting time will vary depending on temperature:
80f to 90f ready in three days. 70 to 80f four or five days. Under 70f about a week. Can’t hurt to use early but not as effective.
Can be used as a foliar but dilute at least 1 part tea to 10 parts water.
Can be used on the soil straight.
Chicken Soup Compost Tea™ is the ultimate in soil and plant nutrition. This compost tea enhances all the nutrients and minerals that come in Chicken Soup for the Soil® by reacting the ingredients with live microbes. When you make compost tea you are essentially multiplying the good microbes before they are added to the soil or sprayed on as a foliar. Microbes play an important part in a balanced soil ecosystem and help produce higher quality plants.
The microbes will multiply in the bucket while ingesting Chicken Soup for the Soil®... it is their waste that is the ultimate super sauce for plants. This means that you are taking the best fertilizer and making it even better. When used as a foliar it creates biological exclusion on the leaf... higher quality plants with less problems!